The Analytics Tab
Please note: The analytics feature is in BETA and we are actively collecting feedback and recommendations on how to evolve the feature to be as impactful as possible. Please contact us using the buttons on this page with any feedback you have at this time. Thank you!
Welcome to the analytics tab. As a part of your event, we provide you with data that will help you answer a few questions like:
- How many people are amplifying my event via ImpactFlow? How are those amplifications performing?
- How engaging are my invitations and email messages to attendess?
- How are people getting to my ImpactFlow event page?
- Who is amplifying my event?
Let's start by taking a look at and explaining the Analytics Overview section:
Analytics Overview
There are two main sections in the image above: Summary and Recent Amplifications. The Summary is made up of:
Amplifications: This is a total count of amplifications that take place through the ImpactFlow platform. When a message is pushed to a specific channel (Facebook or Twitter), that counts as an Amplification. If a user opens the Amplifier and Amplifies to both Twitter and Facebook, that will be counted as two (2) Amplifications.
Reach: This number represents the potential reach of messages that are distributed through the ImpactFlow platform. We calculate reach by grabbing a user's friend (Facebook) or follower (Twitter) count from the social networks. We will only grab a user's potential reach number once for each social network no matter how many times they amplify. For example, If Robyn has 500 Twitter followers and amplifies 10 times over a period of 10 days, then we calculate her potential reach as 500 because that is the size of her social audience no matter how many times she Amplifies the event.
Clicks: For Amplifications that are distributed to Facebook or Twitter, we track the number of clicks that occur on those messages by pulling in a session count from Google Analytics. Therefore, a 'click' means that somebody clicked on your Amplification and ended up on your ImpactFlow event page as a result. We use Google Analytics to provide the most accurate data because it shows you how many people actually arrived on your event page as a result of ImpactFlow Amplifications.
Views: This number is not related to Amplifications. It is a count of overall page views on your ImpactFlow event page, pulled directly from Google Analytics.
The Recent Amplifications area shows you the three most recent amplifications that have taken place through the ImpactFlow platform, who executed them and when they took place. Please note that we will not show the same user multiple times in the Recent Amplifications section.
Traffic Referral
In this section, you will see the top ten (10) referral sources that are driving traffic to your ImpactFlow event page. We pull this data directly from Google Analytics and present it to you in its most raw format so you can get an exact view for where traffic is coming from. You may see multiple instances of sites like Facebook and Twitter. The different referral sources account for different instances of the site. For example, is the desktop version of Facebook and is the mobile version.
Email Report
The email report is made up of three (3) charts that show you how many emails you have sent, how many of those were opened and how many of those were clicked. The email report is unique in the fact that opens and clicks will always track back to the day the email was sent. We created the report this way because we believe it provides a clear avenue for assessing the performance of emails by viewing all activity against the day you sent the message.
Twitter Report
The Twitter report is made up of four (4) charts that show you how many ImpactFlow Amplifications have been sent to Twitter, what their reach was, how many engagements took place (favorites, re-tweets) and how many people clicked back to your ImpactFlow event page from Twitter. You can access the charts by clicking on the drop down arrow on the right side of the screen.
This data is all collected in the same manner as outlined above in the Analytics Overview section with one exception, engagement. We calculate Twitter engagement by counting the number of favorites and re-tweets that occur each day. If a user un-favorites a tweet, you may see a negative number in this chart because we calculate each day's number by comparing the total to the previous day. It is important to us that we are communicating engagement not just as it happens, but as it changes as well.
Facebook Report
The Facebook report is made up of four (4) charts that show you how many ImpactFlow Amplifications have been sent to Facebook what their reach was, how many engagements took place (likes, shares, comments) and how many people clicked back to your ImpactFlow event page from Facebook. You can access the charts by clicking on the drop down arrow on the right side of the screen.
This data is all collected in the same manner as outlined above in the Analytics Overview section with one exception, engagement. We calculate Facebook engagement by counting the number of likes, shares and comments that occur each day. If a user un-likes a post, you may see a negative number in this chart because we calculate each day's number by comparing the total to the previous day. It is important to us that we are communicating engagement not just as it happens, but as it changes as well.
The final section of the ImpactFlow Analytics tab gives you an overview of who is amplifying your event. It will display the top ten (10) amplifiers so you know who is truly making a difference. We are thinking of some creative ways to build this own and even reward top amplifiers in the future. Stay tuned!