ImpactFlow Live! Overview
ImpactFLow Live is the app that helps you manage your event on the go. Checkout the quick overview here.
The following document provides a more in depth look on how to use the app. With an easy download from the app store, checking in guests and selling tickets at the door becomes easier than ever. Once downloaded the log in page should look like this:
Enter in your normal login and you will be redirected to the overview page, here you can toggle between your active events as well as look at the events youve thrown in your pass:
Selecting one of the active events brings you to a more in depth look at your event. The page gives an overview of how many tickets have been sold to your event as well as a breakdown by each individual ticket type:
Navigating along the top bar allows you to jump from the 'Event Overview' to 'Sell Tickets' to 'Check In' to 'Recent Orders'.